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6 Easy Contact Lens Wearing Tips for Beginners

6 Easy Contact Lens Wearing Tips for Beginners

Switching to contact lenses from glasses is a big step. Thus, if you plan to wear contact lenses, you must know how to use lens properly. Not only do you need to know how to use lenses but also how to take care of your contact lenses in the right way. It is essential to bring some light upon the fact that a proper contact lens care regime must be followed to keep them clean and effective. Also, different types of lenses have different requirements. Therefore, contact lenses are categorized based on their life, quality, and functionality and are taken care of accordingly.

However, the common thing among all types of lenses is the need for proper lens care. You cannot at any point neglect or avoid your contact lens care regime if you want your lens to last and not harm your eyes in any way.

A major part of learning how to use lenses includes how to take the necessary care of them. To begin with, here are a few things that you need to know about storing your lens when not in use:
1. You need to store your lenses in the case provided by your retailer after every use. The case has one right, and one left box with R and L mentioned on it.
2. After removing them, take the lenses on your fingertip, add a few drops of solution and let it clean your lens. Then, let the solution drop off the lenses.
3. Now you need to fill both the boxes of the contact case with solution and place your lenses gently in the respective boxes.
4. Close the box, and voila, you have successfully stored your lenses carefully with this step!
The most important thing that you need to follow as a part of your contact lens care routine is that even if you are not wearing your lenses on a regular basis, you need to change the solution frequently.
How To Wear Contact Lenses?
Now that you know how to store contact lenses, the second thing that you must learn is how to wear contact lenses. Wearing contact lenses is simple if you do it correctly but very tricky if you don’t know the right way. So, in order to help you out, here are a few easy tricks to make it a bit easier for you:
Things you need:
– A mirror
– Your lenses
– Lens solution
– And clean, dry hands

See Also

Step 1: Find a comfortable place to sit with a mirror in front of you.
Step 2: Wash your hands, dry them out and pour a few drops of solution on the palm of your left hand.
Step 3: Dip your right hand’s index finger in the solution in your left palm, and use it to get the lens out of its box.
Step 4: Place the lens on your right index finger’s tip.
Step 5: Now, get closer to the mirror; use your left hand to stretch your eye open while you look at it in the mirror. Then, slowly move the lens towards the eye.
Step 6: Look at the lens while leaving it inside your eyes for maximum comfort and ease.
Repeat the same for the other eye, and don’t worry if you aren’t successful the first time. With time and practice, you’ll know exactly how to wear contact lenses; all you need to do is follow the above steps and try not to blink too much!

You can purchase your next set of contact lenses from our official website. At Titan Eyeplus, we have a wide range of branded contact lenses for your eyes that are comfortable and totally in your range. So, visit us now and change the way you see!

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