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Is Eye Yoga Effective? Here’s How You Can Improve Your Eyesight Naturally

Is Eye Yoga Effective? Here’s How You Can Improve Your Eyesight Naturally

Your eyes are constantly at work. From day-to-day perception to digital exposure, eyes are subjected to a lot of stress. They are also one of the most sensitive organs in the human body. The high-stress and fast-paced lifestyles that most people navigate can lead to significant health problems in the foreseeable future. Therefore, it is important for you to be cognizant of your body’s requirements. As most doctors and specialists advise, exercise is one the best ways to stay healthy and the same applies to the eyes as well.

Improve Eyesight

Eye yoga or eye exercise may be a novel idea for many people. The idea of exercising your eyes, just like any other part of the human body can be a daunting prospect. It is a practice, however, that has shown significant results in recent years. Since eyes are constantly at work even when you may be at leisure, you can do eye yoga right from your place of work. Digital exposure can rarely be regulated but practicing eye yoga can help in maintaining the longevity of your eyes in the simplest ways possible.

Eye Yoga

As the name implies, eye yoga follows various types of exercises you can do to effectively strengthen and support the eye muscles. Eye yoga is an advised method of therapy that can soothe and condition your eyes into becoming healthier and stronger. Scientific benefits include better focus, lesser headaches, dry eye relief, better visual acuity, and reduced eye strain.

While the scientific inference with regards to the effectiveness of eye yoga is still up for debate, most of the benefits listed have been attested. You must note that these benefits are standard in the practice of vision therapy but may not be able to fully cure any existing eye conditions. The trend of eye yoga is one that shows great promise in terms of benefiting people in the long run. Therefore, it can be a great place to start a journey towards better eye health.

Benefits of Eye Yoga

Eyes and their acute sensitivity make them especially susceptible to premature aging and degeneration. Increased digital exposure and stress often exacerbates this problem and causes people to develop eye problems at a much younger age than was earlier the case. Therefore, it is important to practice a healthy balance and use therapeutic techniques to treat your eyes, so they can then stay healthy for a long time. Some benefits of eye yoga are as follows:

  • Reduces Eye Strain: A common effect of prolonged eye strain is that the person may develop a habit of squinting when exposed to harsh light, digital screens, or even while reading. Squinting can lead to weakened eye muscles, which is detrimental to long-term eye health. Therefore, eye yoga keeps these problems at bay and exercises the eyes in a controlled manner.
  • Preserves Eyesight: Since the habit of eye yoga has been documented to benefit your eyesight to stay healthy well into old age, you can be assured that the yogic practice can preserve your eyesight.
  • Improves Eyesight: While the statistics and scientific data on this fact are still debatable, long-term practitioners of eye yoga have attested to its healing abilities. It is claimed that routinely practicing eye yoga can improve eyesight naturally for conditions such as myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism.

How to Practice Eye Yoga?


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There are some standard steps to follow when practicing eye yoga. So, let us take a closer look at the same:

  • Palming: To rub the palms together and rest them on the eyes while breathing.
  • Eye Rolling: Aids with muscle relaxation, you must roll the eyes from right to downwards, left, and then upwards.
  • Shift Zooming: Exercise the focus muscles, where you need to alternate focussing on an object up close and then an object far away.
  • Blinking: Strengthens eye muscles. You need to rapidly blink for 10 seconds and then close your eyes for 20 seconds.

Just like regular exercises, these should be repeated in sets for habitual and gradual results to come through. You can also consult an ophthalmologist at a Titan Eyeplus store to gain benefits.

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