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Cause Of Eye Stye, Treatment & Prevention

Cause Of Eye Stye, Treatment & Prevention

You must have had pimples on your face, right? Have you seen little red bumps that swell up on your eyelids that look like pimples? That is a stye, and they are quite painful. Even though they can be managed at home, it takes a few days for them to go away, and they cause problems with your vision and swelling on your eyelids, along with pain for as long as they exist.

Puffy eyes

It is legit to ask if it is an infection in your eyes such as conjunctivitis, or a bacterial infection. Since the concerns are real, it would help to understand the cause of eye stye, its symptoms, and how you can detect eye stye. Some of the most common symptoms of eye stye are tearing, eyelid pain, and swelling, followed by a red lump/boil on your eyelid. If you have all of these symptoms, you might have eye stye.

Let us now understand the causes of eye stye, puffy eyes cause, and eye muscle weakness –

What Is the Cause of Eye Stye?

Eye stye is a bacterial infection that happens on your eyelids, most commonly caused by a bacteria called staph. The infection can be caused due to several reasons.

Infection In Your Eyelash Follicle: When you get an infection in the tear or oil glands that are present in your eyelids just above your eyelashes, you can develop an external stye. The infection in the tear glands, oil glands, or hair follicles occurs due to the pores becoming clogged with dead skin cells and other debris that lead to the infection.

Infection In Your Inner Eyelid Oil Glands: There are oil glands on the inside of your eye. Their job is to keep your eyeballs moisturized. When debris clog up the pores of the sweat gland inside your eye, it causes eye stye. These infections are hard to come by, and they are harder to treat because they occur on the inside of the eye.

These are the two leading causes of eye stye. One of the corresponding problems that arise with eye stye is puffy eyes, which can worsen the discomfort and irritation you feel from your eye stye. Did you know that due to the presence of the stye, even eye muscles temporarily experience weakness?

Let us now look into the prevention and treatment of this scary optic infection –

How To Treat & Prevent Eye Stye?

As the cause of eye stye is a bacterial infection, one of the best ways to help reduce the pain and heal the infection is using a warm compress. Soaking a wet cloth in warm water and compressing that over your stye gives soothing results and helps you recover the stye faster.

Apart from a warm compress, you also need to clean your eyelids carefully. Stye causes a lot of discharge, and that discharge needs to be thoroughly cleaned to contain the infection. To clean your discharge, use eyelid wipes available at most drug stores.

To prevent eye stye, you should maintain elevated levels of facial and eye hygiene to ensure your glands do not get clogged up again. You also need to regularly wash your hands, especially before touching your face. You also need to remove your face makeup every night before going to bed and discard your eye makeup items after using them for a couple of months. These practices will help you prevent eye stye.

Wearing lenses that are not thoroughly cleaned or maintained can also be a cause of eye stye. So, make sure that you purchase your lenses only from top brands such as Titan Eye Plus to make sure your eyes do not get bacterial infections. However, even when you buy your lenses from top brands, be sure to remember the prevention and treatment pointers of eye stye mentioned in this blog.

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