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Preventive Measures to Restrain the Development of Eye Diseases

Preventive Measures to Restrain the Development of Eye Diseases

Sitting in front of screens for too long is a problem that has finally begun showing its detrimental impact. Nowadays, many employers have policies on how much time employees spend in front of the computer. But sadly, most of us are unaware of the risks we take by having our eyes exposed to ambient blue light while working on a screen. They do not know that this leads to eye diseases that causes blindness or other age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, and retinal detachment.

Eyes in Red colour

Numerous eye-related diseases have resulted from the advent of digital technology like computers, smartphones, televisions, etc. A few studies show that reading on computer screens increases the risk for myopia (near-sightedness) by up to 5 times compared to reading on paper. However, the list of eye diseases is not limited to those caused by digital lifestyles. One also must look at the eye diseases caused chronically or genetically. It is important to understand that staying healthy and keeping diseases at bay is a work in progress. Let us understand the basics of eye diseases and what preventive measures can be taken to restrain the same.

What leads to Eye Diseases?

The health of our eyes, specifically eye diseases, is an important matter that deserves our utmost attention. Eye disease prevention can be improved with healthy habits and proper care. Unfortunately, eye diseases are a major problem that many people suffer from. There are so many different eye diseases out there from which one may suffer. It can be hard to know which ones to protect your eyes from.

Threats to your eyesight come in many forms: from presbyopia (ageing) to macular degeneration (worsening vision), from glaucoma (inability of the fluid in the eye chamber to circulate properly) to cataracts (clouded lens). The most prudent way to keep your eyes healthy is by giving them the necessary upkeep, such as annual check-ups. A misconception about eyesight is that you can ward off eye problems by wearing sunglasses every day. This is true in some ways – you are less likely to get a severe injury or damage your vision if you protect it with sunglasses, which protect against UV rays. However, they do not provide any protection from the other risks that may be health related.

Types of Common Eye Diseases

Eye diseases can be split into two categories: those that cause blindness and those that cause eye irritation. The most common eye diseases are cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and problems with the cornea. The probable causes of loss of sight are cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Diabetic retinopathy is the second most common cause of blindness.

Macular Degeneration is a primary reason for blindness among the elderly. It happens when the macula, an area in the retina responsible for central vision, becomes damaged or diseased.

Glaucoma is the secondary cause of vision impairment in adults. Glaucoma is a chronic eye disease identified early on by an optometrist or ophthalmologist. It is believed to be one of the leading causes of blindness in people over 50 years old. Glaucoma surgery is the only treatment for this type of blindness-causing disease. Still, it must be performed promptly before the damage to the optic nerve and retina becomes irreversible.

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How to Prevent Eye Diseases?

There are many types of eye diseases, some of which are preventable. Proper eye hygiene and wearing sunglasses can help to prevent common eye diseases. To protect your eyesight, reducing exposure to ultraviolet light, smoke, and other irritants is important. Other ways to avoid eye disease are wearing sunglasses outdoors, wearing safety goggles when appropriate, and taking care not to exert your eyes too much.

It is particularly important to care for and maintain your eyesight because our risk of developing eye diseases increases significantly as we age. It is also important not to smoke or live around people who smoke because both activities increase the risk of developing AMD, cataracts, and other forms of blindness. Investing in proper eyewear with excellent quality lenses and prescription is a part of preventing eye diseases. Therefore, you can explore quality eyewear from trusted brands like Titan Eyeplus for the perfect accessory to keep your eyes and eyesight healthy for the long run.

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