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What are the Types of Contact Lens & How Can They Benefit Us?

What are the Types of Contact Lens & How Can They Benefit Us?

Negligence towards one’s health and physical well-being is one of the biggest disservices a person can do to themselves. Routine check-ups, full exams and consultations should be a part of everyone’s daily lives. Eye diseases are one of the most widespread health problems across the globe. Estimates show that over 80% of people will develop a sight disorder. If not treated in time, these vision diseases can lead to blindness and even death in some severe cases.

Women wearing Contact Lenses

Fundamentally, there are two kinds of eye problems that most people are afflicted with: refractive anomalies and ocular diseases. Refractive anomalies include myopia, hyperopia, and Astigmatism; ocular diseases include cataracts, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy. Unfortunately, many people are unaware of the gravity of eye diseases and problems, making mistakes like not using glasses or contacts when needed. As a result, they experience fatigue and discomfort or even go blind because they think it is normal to experience those symptoms due to the gradual increase in tolerance of the problem. Therefore, it is vital to invest in corrective eye care with solutions like contact lenses to cure and abate such issues. Here are the fundamentals of a contact lens and how it can benefit you in the long run.

Contact lens: The Basics

Contact lenses are an option for correcting vision. They are usually worn on the eyes and sit right over the surface of your eye. Contact lenses correct any blurry vision or glare caused by incorrect refraction of light, which can be due to near-sightedness, far-sightedness, or Astigmatism. They are lightweight, soft plastic disc that sits directly on the cornea.

Contact lenses come in either disposable or reusable. Disposable contacts have an expiration date and typically last up to one year, while reusable contacts usually last for three to six months, depending on the care they receive. In addition, there are diverse types of contact lenses that are designed to correct distinct types of eye needs.

A safe way to start how to know what to buy is by getting an eye exam. Your eye doctor can tell you what contacts can help with your specific needs, whether it is prescription lenses or a solution that will reduce your eye strain and pressure.

Benefits of Contact Lens

As we grow old, our eyesight naturally declines. That is why there will be an increase in contact lens users over the next 10 years and an increase in eye problems such as near-sightedness, farsightedness, and presbyopia. That is why wearing contact lenses before the problems exacerbate is in everyone’s best interest. But, of course, there are many advantages of contact lens as well.

Contact lenses are a great alternative for people who cannot wear glasses or are looking for disposable contact lenses. Contact lenses are low-cost and easy to use, making them a viable option for improving vision in many patients who need eyeglasses or contact lenses. In addition, they have many advantages, such as being comfortable and can be removed easily. They protect the eye from outside harm such as dirt, insects, water, and physical contact.

Types of Contact lens

The types of contact lens range in terms of chemical composition, design, colour spectrum and classification. All these variables affect how well a lens does or does not perform for an individual user, as well as health-related outcomes such as eye diseases or mental stress levels. As a result, there are a variety of classifications when it comes to discussing contact lenses and the kind of usage and lifestyle they will accompany.

Based on Material

Soft Lenses are made of hydrogels that are very lightweight and breathable. These are the most commonly available types of contact lens.

Rigid Glass Permeable Lenses are ridged types of contact lens made to keep their shape when they sit over the surface of the eye. They are made of Oxygen permeable material, which is not as flexible as the hydrogels, but with time they can feel just as comfortable as hydrogels. These types of contact lens are made to treat refractive errors and problems like Astigmatism.

Hybrid Types of contact lens are Rigid Glass Permeable lenses but with an outer lining made of silicone hydrogels. These types of contact lenses maximize the best of both materials, as mentioned above.

Based on Duration

Daily disposable lensesone-time use

See Also

Contact Lens Colour Trends

Disposable lenses: To be discarded every two weeks

Frequent replacement lensesTo change out monthly or quarterly

Traditional lenses and Rigid Glass Permeable Lenses: To be discarded after six months or longer

Hence, many types of contact lenses can make your life infinitely easier. Therefore, to explore the advantage of contact lens and the types of contact lenses you can choose from, head over to Titan Eyeplus for a seamless collection of eye care products that cater to every need.

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