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Experiencing Symptoms of Dry Eyes? Follow 5 Steps to Fix It

Experiencing Symptoms of Dry Eyes? Follow 5 Steps to Fix It

Do you often have a feeling that something is in your eyes? Do you experience a burning sensation, blurred vision, or mucus in or around your eyes? Is it often accompanied by uncontrollable itching and redness? If your answer is a ‘yes’, you must know that you suffer from dry eyes. It is a condition that occurs when the ducts or glands in your eyes cannot produce enough tears to keep them moist and lubricated. It is a painful and uncomfortable condition. The cause of dry eyes can be attributed to medical as well as environmental factors.

What are the symptoms of Dry Eyes?

Dry eyes are characterized by poor quality of tears or diminished tear production altogether. The symptoms include –

– Dry, painful, and scratchy sensation in your eyes
– Redness
– Fatigued eyes
– Itchy eyes
– Light sensitivity
– Heavy eyes
– Blurred vision
– Mucus in or around your eyes
– Burning sensation
– Discomfiture while wearing contact lenses

Cause of Dry Eyes

There are several causes of dry eyes, which include –

– Medical factors
– Environmental factors
– Contact lenses
– Ageing
– Medications
– Allergies

Dry eye is a natural part of aging for most people. It is usually temporary, but the conditions become more severe in some cases. However, there are specific steps you can follow to fix the problem and get rid of dry eyes.

1. Introduce Changes in Your Environment

Environmental factors are commonly responsible for causing dry eyes. Avoid stepping out of the house when it is windy outside, so you overrule the possibility of dust entering your eyes. Avoid exposure to hairdryers and fans. Switch to wearing wraparound sunglasses.

2. Avoid Smoking

Its detrimental effect on health is too well-known. The smoke emanating from cigarettes can irritate your dry eyes further and intensify the symptoms of dry eyes.

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3. Use Appropriate Eyewear

If you step outside for any activities such as skiing, riding a motorcycle, or bike, make sure that you wear the appropriate eyewear. Additionally, it may help to use a humidifier at home to keep the environment moist and prevent drying out your eyes.

4. Supplement your Diet with Essential Fatty Acids

Consuming Omega-3 fatty acids helps relieve the symptoms of your dry eyes and reduces inflammation. It allows for tear production. Palm oil, flaxseed oil, ground flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts, soybean oil, fatty fish such as tuna, salmon, mackerel, sardines, and eggs are full of natural fatty acids.

5. Try Ointments or Eye drops

Eye drops are the most common among the several non-prescribed products for dry eyes. They bring you temporary relief. They are available in multidose vials and contain a certain amount of preservatives to prevent bacterial growth around the vial. If the eye drops don’t give the desired effects, or if your eye irritation intensifies, you can opt for preservative-free eye drops available in single-dose vials. Ointments, on the contrary, are thicker than eye drops. They are designed to provide long-term relief from symptoms of dry eyes.

6. Give your eyes the rest they Deserve

TV watching, frequent reading, and long hours of computer usage can dry out your eyes. So, it is essential to take breaks at regular intervals and regain moisture.

The steps mentioned above can help you treat the symptoms of dry eyes. If the problem persists, you must see a doctor, specifically an optometrist at the Titan Eyeplus store. There is no permanent cure for this condition but taking some preventive measures can ensure that you maintain the moisture in your eyes, reduce the glaring symptoms of dry eyes, and protect your vision.

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