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Here’s How Computer Glasses Protect Your Child’s Vision

Here’s How Computer Glasses Protect Your Child’s Vision

Here's How Computer Glasses Protect Your Child's Vision

In today’s digitally driven world, most children are exposed to digital screens everywhere they go. Smartphones, video games, computers, and other touchscreen devices are all known to emit blue light. For the same, optometrists recommend parents to give their children computer eyeglasses.

Today, kids and children of all ages use digital devices, be it for their education, hobbies, or just entertainment. However, prolonged exposure to digital screens leads to increased chances of eye complications and conditions in children.

Digital Eye Strain (DES)

According to Science Daily, optometrists and ophthalmologists have observed a rise in the number of cases where children have been diagnosed with digital eye strain. Associated with spending extended hours on digital screens, some common symptoms of digital eye strain:

1. Dry eye
2. Blurred vision
3. Headache
4. Eye pressure[1]

Besides digital eye strain, there has also been an increase in cases of other eye conditions such as:

• Since 1971, near-sightedness or Myopia, has risen to 42% of the world population.

• As many as 90% of adults and teenagers in Asia have myopia.
Scientists have yet to discover the exact cause of this rise in myopia. Still, studies suggest that spending time outdoors will combat the development of near-sightedness in adolescents. Similarly, restricting digital screen-time also helps ensure your child’s eye stays safe and healthy.

How Computer Eyeglasses Work And Help Protect Your Child’s Vision?

Computer eyeglasses offer magnification, and thus it has to be tailored to the wearer’s unique needs. It is advised that you talk to your optometrist before making any decisions regarding a change in eyewear prescription or switching to another visual aid form. You will find options for computer eyeglasses from several manufacturers specializing in lenses that make it easier to look at digital screens. Such lenses are also available for a range of power prescriptions.

Computer eyeglasses can magnify about 60% more than reading glasses and make a better option for your child. Your optometrist will prescribe the correct magnification and correction power for your child based on their unique requirements.

Additional features of computer eyeglasses that can also be used to protect kids with existing eye conditions further are:

See Also

Prescription Glasses

• Anti-reflective coating reduces the blue light emitted by digital devices such as computers, laptops, smartphones, and other digital screens.
• Photochromic or transition lenses that turn dark in the sunlight to protect the eyes.

Do Children Require Extra Protection From Digital Screens?

Prolonged and increased exposure to blue light tends to keep up adults and children and cause sleep disorders. Multiple research has indicated that it’s not the blue light itself, which is the problem. The blue light emitting from the sun and digital screens reduce the release of Melatonin, the sleep hormone.

So, consult with your optometrist and find out if computer eyeglasses are suitable for your children. In case your child already uses prescription eyeglasses, switching to computer eyeglasses will help protect your child’s eyes in the long run.

As a parent, it becomes your obligation to control your child’s digital screen time by ensuring that they only use electronic devices for a stipulated time. You can also encourage your kids to play outdoor sports or educate them about device settings that help avoid eye strain.

Caring for Your Child’s Eyes

With increased digitalization, there’s no escaping digital screens and eye strain. However, teaching your kids healthy habits and educating them on preventative measures can significantly reduce the impact of digital eye strain. Ask your optometrist before contemplating the usage of any visual aid.

Remember that computer eyeglasses are medical aids. And, at Titan Eyeplus, we provide a wide range of trendy and stylish eyewear with advanced blue tech lens options as add-ons to help you prevent digital eye strain. Visit our online store to find the perfect computer eyeglasses for your child!

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