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Know How to Remove Eye Glass Scratches & Protect Your Lens

Know How to Remove Eye Glass Scratches & Protect Your Lens

Eyewear with its durability and technological advancements in recent years is still a delicate accessory. Its functions are relatively simple but on closer inspection, you can see how small parts come together to work seamlessly. The lenses, frames, and temples are some of the largest parts of eyeglasses. This makes them susceptible to gradual wear and tear. Since eyeglasses are long-term investments, you need to take special care of them to prolong their function.

How to protect your Glasses lens

Maintaining eyeglasses requires you to follow simple guidelines that are prescribed by eye care specialists. Since lenses are the most functionally important component of a pair of eyeglasses, they need to be maintained at their optimal condition. Handling and mishandling over a longer period often result in scratches and abrasions on the lens surface. While small-scale wear and tear are unavoidable and scratch inevitable, you need to know how to remove small scratches and protect them from further damage.

Scratches and Lens Protection

Using a pair of eyeglasses is convenient, but it also comes with the condition of handling them with delicate care and attention. They are often designed to keep highly customized prescriptions in mind, implying that they are more than a simple accessory. This also means they are not easily replaceable. Many eyewear brands offer designs for scratch-less eyeglasses, which have special resistance towards external abrasions.

What Causes Scratches?

Before knowing how to remove eye glass scratches it is important to know about everything that can cause scratches and quicken the wear and tear. Since most lenses are not made of glass, they are more likely to develop scratches over time. Most lenses today are made from plastic, which is more durable than glass, safer to wear, and less likely to chip off or shatter.

A downside of plastic lenses, however, is their propensity of getting easily scratched. Any dirt, debris, or lint that comes in friction with the lens surface can cause scratches. Quite often, people may choose to clean their glasses with any cloth or tissue in their immediate proximity when they do not have their lens cloth. While it is a common tendency, it often leads to lens scratches since cotton or tissue paper is more abrasive than a microfiber lens cloth.

Therefore, you must avoid any of these habits and follow the standard steps of eyeglass maintenance when you want to know how to remove eye glass scratches.

How to remove eye glass scratches?


The most important step in eyewear maintenance is to clean the eyeglasses occasionally as advised and keep them away from abrasive items and surfaces as much as possible. The standard process that can help remove small scratches is to simply clean the glasses under running lukewarm water with mild soap, and then wipe it gently with a microfiber cloth.

Most eyewear specialists advise against using any strong chemicals such as baking soda, car wax, or toothpaste on the lens surface as they may end up exacerbating the scratch depth and ruin the lens coating. Scratches are not reversible, but if minor, they can be wiped and cleaned for a neater appearance. The focus should always be on your ability to see through the lenses. Scratches on the lens surface are often problematic for your vision if it begins to hinder your ability to go through everyday tasks. Therefore, if the lens surface is too worn down and scratched to look through, you must invest in a new pair of scratch less eyeglasses.

How to remove eye glass scratches may be a common query but should not be the final solution to scratched glasses. Glasses that are worn down are more harmful to the eyes as they can cause undue eye strain. Therefore, you must opt for trusted eyewear brands such as Titan Eyeplus for a new pair of eyeglasses. It will make your life easier.

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