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How to Remove Scratches from Glasses

How to Remove Scratches from Glasses

Daily wear and tear are a possibility that we combat when it comes to all our delicate belongings. Even if we handle things with the utmost care, unavoidable accidents or gradual wear and tear over time can take a toll on these items. Eyewear is a lifestyle essential that requires great care and attention since it can become susceptible to scratches and damage the more, we use them. We depend on them daily, which is why even the smallest scratch or crack can become problematic during usage. Since they are daily wearing essentials that they spend time in different environments, they also need regular upkeep and maintenance.

removing scratches from glasses

After a long day spent outdoors, our glasses might be sprinkled with dust, microbes, debris, and scratches. This might make us panic, and we often start thinking and researching how to remove scratches from glasses. We are often met with this dilemma while maintaining our eyewear, as there is conflicting information available online when you look for how to remove scratches from glasses. Since our glasses are constantly exposed to the outdoors, the sun, sweat and dust, they are more likely to get worn out than most of our other belongings. Therefore, let us look for ways to maintain our glasses in the best way to retain their quality and understand how to remove scratches from glasses.

Why Should you Remove Scratches on Glasses?

It is important to maintain our eyeglasses because they put in a lot of effort to protect the eyes. Our eyeglasses are made to withstand various weather conditions and environments, including heat, snow, water, air, and other elements. Due to the same, our glasses will undoubtedly be affected by all these environmental factors, but routine maintenance may keep them in pristine shape. In contrast to sunglasses that may be seasonal and occasional, eyeglasses are worn daily, in a variety of tricky situations.

Cleaning our glasses and knowing how to remove scratches from glasses are invariable practices that we need to incorporate into our daily routine if we want to retain our glasses in mint condition. The necessity of hygiene and fomites has grown even more apparent in a post-pandemic world. Glasses are breeding grounds for bacteria as they can collect microbes, bacteria, and dead skin cells after prolonged usage. That is why you should regularly clean your glasses to avoid infections. Damage while using glasses may result in small scratches all over the lenses. If the lenses affect your line of sight, it might be time for a replacement. If there are light scratches, you can check out some low-contact methods to remove scratches from glasses and clean them below.

How to Remove Scratches from Glasses

The foremost thing to remember when cleaning your glasses is to avoid any at-home hacks that might suggest using abrasive materials such as toothpaste or baking soda. Both compounds can damage your lenses even further, and your search on how to remove scratches from glasses would be in vain. The key to removing slight scratches and abrasions is to follow the steps below that can clean your glasses and make them look new:

Rinse under Lukewarm Water: The first step is to rinse the glasses under lukewarm water and use a delicate hand to wash out any debris gently. The warm water is the first step in disinfecting the glasses, and you can rub out any visible scratches on the lenses at this stage and check for further damage.

Use Mild Soap: For this step, take a pea-sized amount of mild soap (dish soap or hand wash) and lather it all over the surface of the glasses. Make sure to get into the frame joints, temple tips and nose buds which encounter your skin to disinfect them completely.

Rinse Clean: Run the glasses under water again, and carefully rinse any remaining soap lather with your fingertips. The glasses should be free from any soap residue, as it may cause redness and itching on the skin later if not rinsed out properly.

Wipe Dry: Wipe down all the surfaces of the glasses and any visible scratches with a microfiber or a lens cloth. Do not use cotton or other abrasive materials to wipe it dry, as it can exacerbate the existing scratches.

Do Not

Use Rubbing Alcohol/Baking Soda/ Toothpaste on the lenses

See Also

Use Bleach or Ammonia (acids will chip away any lens filter)

Use Tissue Papers or Paper Towels to wipe lenses

Prolonging the life of our lenses and knowing how to clean scratches from lenses may be a recurrent concern for our eyewear. Still, if you require a replacement at a reasonable cost, Titan Eyeplus and its range of products are bound to strike your fancy.

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